

Taiyuan is very popular snack for Japanese people especially in winter when it's cold.
Recently it's getting cooler in Japan as October is just around the corner,now.

Yesterday evening,on the way back home,I passed in front of a Taiyaki shop and as I was quite hungry as soon as I saw those yummy my fish,I felt like they were calling me..."Eat me,eat me".

Anyway Taiyaki looks a little bit like waffles,crispy and a little bit sweet.When people bake them ,we use moulds in the shape of a sea bream,so people call it Tai (sea bream) yaki (bake).

These are a bunch of flavours depending on the shop,the most typical and common is red azuki beans but sweet potato,chocolate and custard cream are popular with ladies and kids.I bought red azuki beans and sweet potato.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Taiyaki is definitely one of my favorite winter snacks.
    There's a revolving sushi bar here in Tacoma that has Taiyaki, and it get some every time I go. They only have the azuki flavored ones though, so I need to take a trip up to Seattle to find some of the other flavors. :)
