

Everyone who live in Osaka knows "551".
These are Butaman(Chinese pork bun),the real name is "Horai" where is selling them.But everyone calls it "551".

The shop logo "551" after the logo,which is word play 55(ko-ko in Japanese) means here,and 1(ichi) so it's means "here is No.1"!!!

Of course this is my favorite,so sometimes I buy them for dinner or snacks.
This is obviously true,there Chinese pork buns are best selling souvenirs from Osaka.
I've loved them since I was born.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hmmm.... If I make it to Osaka I shall have to try these. haha!
    Pork buns are one of my weaknesses. I love them. You can find them here, but I'm sure they're not as good... BUT! Up in Seattle at Uwajimaya they have pork buns in the deli and I get one every time I go there.
