

         What are these???
                Chocolate?         Soap?       Ice cream?

Believe it or not they're Yudetamago.(boiled eggs)
Today I'll show you how to make these kawaii (cute)yudetamago.

These are moulds which
I bought in a  ¥100 shop.

They cost only ¥100  for 2.

They're light made from plastic.

The method is so simple,just boil the eggs in the normal way for 10 mins but instead of cooling,peel the eggs while still hot.
 (this is the only tricky part  Ouch!!! )

Then,put the hot shelled eggs into the moulds and let them cool in a bowl of cold water for 10mins.

Be careful when taking the eggs from the mould as it's easy to ruin the shape.

Another interesting but simple Japanese invention!!!
Japan to use these kawaii shapes for making bento boxes. 

☆ Have you read  about Kawaii kuma? ☆

8 件のコメント:

  1. 匿名2/08/2011

    ha ha, cool post. first it really looked like soap ^^

    i heard about these egg moulds and i thought about buying some. they are so cute. next time i'll send you a link to some german bento-blogs... german lunchbreak with a japanese touch.

    always a pleasure to read your blog.

  2. Hi Nadine,

    Your comment makes me happy,we have a lot of staff for bento.
    I will show you as possible as I can.

  3. I love these egg moulds, and I love boiled eggs. I wonder if I can find some of those moulds in Vietnam. Hmmm...

    Thanks for posting.

  4. Hi Naomi,

    Thank you for your visit!
    I usually eat boiled egg dipping shoyu.
    Sounds might be strange but really tasty!

  5. I really love those forms, I've seen them before but I can't find them in Norway :S

  6. Those are so neat product.
    Boys said COOL!!!

    I LOVE 100 yen shop.

  7. Hi Ella,

    I think it's difficult to find this kind of stuff in Norway,but next time when you come to Japan please go to a 100yen shop.

  8. Hi Skai,

    Did you know the egg mould?
    100yen shop is paradise isn't it.
