

Kuma means bear.
Yesterday when I was waiting for the lights, I noticed new poster in the window of "Mister Donut"(spell is different for the shop name).It was advertising some new bear-shaped doughnuts,which are available for a limited time only!!!They were so cute, I couldn't resist,I went in and bought some.
Japanese females are bulnerable to this kind of marketing.
We love everything kawaii(cute) staff."Hello Kitty" is a well-known example.

eat me!

8 件のコメント:

  1. Wow, those are so cute! What flavors are they?

  2. Thank you for your comment.
    The pink one was strawberry and the other one was caramel flavour!!!
    I prefer strawberry.

  3. Yummy!I want one for dessert;) They are sooo cute.
    BTW, I got your package today! Arigatou!!!

    Will write you a mail tomorrow...just got home from a seminar...

  4. These are so cute!
    If we had stuff like that here I'm sure i would buy them too :)

  5. Welcome Ella,
    Thank you for your comment.
    i will show you other cute staff soon!!!

  6. What a so cute doughnuts!!
    Is it the "mister donut"!? I wish I could be in there. My sons and I like "mister donut" also I know little boy, too!

  7. Aww, cute! Isn't it Rirakkuma?

    He looks sad with his head broken open though :< I couldn't eat him.

  8. Eel,

    Yes,this is Rirakkuma!
    I love Rirakkuma very much.
