

Tamagoyaki means Japanese omelette.
Also tamagoyaki is a typical Japanese food usually included in a bento(lunch box) with onigiri.
This is not also bento but also daily home cooking.

Almost every household in Japan has a small,rectangular frypan for making tamagoyaki because traditionally,everyone ate tamagoyaki with rice,miso soup and grilled fish for breakfast.
If you visit Japan sometime you will be served this kind of breakfast in old style Japanese hotels,but since the 60's people have been adopting  many aspects of western life style so fewer and fewer families are eating a traditional breakfast.

Ingredients (for 2 people)
2 eggs
a pinch of salt and pepper

break the eggs into a bowl and whip roughly with a pinch of salt and pepper.
lightly coat the frypan with sesame oil,and useing very low heat,spread a thin layer of egg.

 useing a spatula fold the egg over itself as it cooks.

repeat  3 or 4 times until cooked,all the while pouring new egg into the pan and folding.

It's important to whip the egg roughly because it will make a beautiful,marbled pattern.
(appearance is always important in Japanese cuisine)
There are many varieties of tamagoyaki which are used special occasions or sold special high-class shops.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Ninja-san,

    Boys and I love Tamagoyaki!!
    I sometimes make for boy's school lunch, of course with rice bolls. Teachers saying "Wow beautiful lunch" I am so proud of Japanese traditional foods.
